Ambiguity Apocalypse is a game that will help your people tackle ambiguity head-on in a safe and supportive environment that challenges their critical thinking and allows them to develop skills and confidence through immersive gameplay.

Ambiguity Apocalypse

Say goodbye to traditional workshops that leave your people bored and disengaged and gear up for an exhilarating adventure!

Team members must make tough choices to manage resources, balance risk, and ensure their team’s survival against the relentless ticking clock in an ever-changing environment.

People’s confidence and ability to apply their learning to real-life situations will be boosted.

It’s a team effort to get the highest score in a thrilling race against time.

Collaborate, communicate, and leverage each other’s strengths to survive or conquer challenges and outwit, outlast, and outscore other teams.

Make critical decisions in the face of incomplete information, practise resilience, adaptability, and sharpen creative problem-solving skills.

What do people say

Apart from dying many deaths I thoroughly enjoyed myself and was surprised at how much I learnt and reflected on about myself.

Interestingly when I got up today I had a very productive work day planned.  Unfortunately within 30mins this plan had completely gone awry. After replanning the day I was initially grumpy but thought of your game and suddenly viewed it differently.. and bingo . Suddenly the day seemed positive again and I ended up achieving heaps more work than I had even planned plus a lot of other tasks.

So the ambiguity apocalypse has far reaching benefits!

Katie Sloper
Strategy and Research AdvisorStrategy and Research Advisor
KTS Consulting

Ambiguity Apocalypse gets you to think about and play with ideas and concepts in a fun way. You’re not only becoming familiar with the concepts though also get to see them from a different angle. This can lead to some deep, experiential insights. Working in a group, learning a new ‘language’ to describe shared experiences, and the shared insights gained from the game is a great way to build team bonds and create a culture of understanding around ambiguity.

Stacy Field
People and Practice Director

Here’s what other workshop participants have said: